Thursday, October 16, 2014

Gemini and the Third House

Around the 22nd of May the Sun moves into Gemini, the third sign of the Zodiac. The Twins, ruled by the planet Mercury, are all about communication in the sense of taking in and disseminating information. More than that- they define perception. Gemini wants to know. A native of this talkative sign wants to absorb information through her very pores! Traditionally, Gemini is associated with siblings, short trips, neighbors and early education. It is considered also to be the sign of youth. Indeed, Gemini is said to be blessed with eternally youthful good looks. Personally, I think it has to do with their endearing, almost child-like quality of always wanting to know more that keeps the Gemini looking and feeling young.

The Third House concerns itself with the issues and values of Gemini itself. We can find clues here from the signs and planets in this house as to the communication style of the native. For example, gentle Venus in the Third House adds refinement to the native's words. Sagittarius adds a philosophical quality. 

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