Thursday, October 16, 2014

Pisces and the Twelfth House

A natal chart is a map of the planet's positions in the sky at the moment of birth. In the chart there are twelve houses. Astrology correlates the twelve areas of human experience in the natal chart with the energy of each of the twelve signs.

From approximately the 22nd of February to the 22nd of March, the Sun will be in the sign of Pisces. Each of the twelve signs correspond to the twelve houses of experience in a natal chart (or horoscope). To understand the sign is to understand the function of the "house".

 In ancient times the twelfth house was called "The House of Locked Rooms". It governs the subconscious and also what Jung would call the Collective Unconscious. It is where all human experience becomes one -- a world of dreams and demons. Planets residing in this house are imbued with mystery, fantasy, imagination, psychic ability and deep emotion. The twelfth house also represents things and people who are locked away -- orphans, prisoners, madmen, secrets, alcoholism and depression. It's also where redemption can be found.

The last and most numinous of all the signs, Pisces, is ruled by the dreamy and gentle planet Neptune. The symbol of Pisces is two fish swimming in opposite directions that are yet bound together. For Pisces -- a Water sign -- cannot always understand where he is going with his rational mind. He operates from instinct, which serves him well. Pisceans are heir to knowledge that is inaccessible by reason. The end game for Pisces is to find a way to connect to that power.

Aquarius and the Eleventh House

From approximately the 22nd of January to the 22nd of February the Sun will be in the sign of the Water Bearer- Aquarius. In spite of it's association with water, Aquarius is an air sign. As the astrologer Steven Forrest says "more than any other element, air is aware that beyond itself lies the unknown". Air signs deal with mental processes whereas water signs are more concerned with  feelings and emotions. The Aquarian uses his prodigious mental capacity to find the meaning behind the numinous. It is a very Spiritual sign, which may seem to be at odds with it's clarity of thought and often "no nonsense" exterior. Aquarius is ruled by the planet of technology and revolution- Uranus.

The Eleventh House is traditionally known as "The House of Friends". In this we are not talking about personal relationships but about people who think as we do- large groups we associate with- our political party- our astrology association, etc. Our "friends" are working together for an ideology. They are the people who reflect our goals. In this house of our personal chart we can find out what kind of people and what kinds of associations will best serve us in our goals.

Capricorn and the Tenth House

The Winter Solstice, the longest night of the year, corresponds with the movement of the Sun into the sign of Capricorn, the Sea Goat. From this moment on, every day will be a bit longer- that is the essence of Capricorn, slow and steady growth. Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, the Father, the Taskmaster, the Determined One. As an Earth sign, Capricorn is all about practicality, achievement and maintaining the Great Institutions of our world.

The Tenth House is the sector in the astrological chart which represents the career and our public reputation. Planets and signs here show us how we personally view success. To find what our happiest path to success will be, it is necessary for the energies found in this house to be integrated into our public persona. In other words, we must become that which we most deeply value in order to feel successful in the eyes of the world. The Tenth House points the way there.

Sagittarius and the Ninth House

On approximately the 22nd of November, the Sun moves into the sign of the archer- Sagittarius. This fiery sign is as expansive and restless as his ruling planet, Jupiter. And like the great Roman god, he craves adventure. Rather than focus on trivial information and the quotidian grind, Sagittarius wishes to have meaningful experiences, He is on a quest to find the meaning of Life itself. The destination is not important, it's the journey that counts, and what is found along the way.

As CP Cavafy wrote in his famous poem, Ithaka:

Always keep Ithaka in your mind.
To arrive there is your final destination.
But do not hurry the voyage at all.
It is better for it to last many years,
and when old to rest in the island,
rich with all you have gained on the way,
not expecting Ithaka to offer you wealth.
Ithaka has given you the beautiful journey.
Without her you would not have set out on the road

 Sagittarius understands this.

The Ninth House was known in ancient times as "The House of Long Journeys Over Water". This is to be understood in both the literal and figurative sense. In the Ninth House we go beyond our familiar surroundings. It rules trips to foreign lands and interactions with people from these lands. It rules higher education, philosophy, the study of religion and other mind expanding subjects. It's about what makes us grow, mentally and spiritually. A Long Journey, indeed.

Scorpio and the Eighth House

On approximately the 22nd of October the Sun enters the sign of Scorpio, the most inscrutable sign of the Zodiac. It is not well known but in traditional Astrology, Scorpio is represented by not only the scorpion, but also the eagle and the Phoenix. The Scorpion- a predator who will sting itself to death rather than give in to its enemy. The Eagle- with its sharp eyes taking in every detail, and master of all he surveys. The Phoenix- eternal symbol of rebirth and transformation. There is an intensity to those born under the Scorpion Sun- this sign needs to experience the heights and depths of the human condition. Scorpio energy is not always easy, and not always pleasant, but it is genuine. It is Life- warts and all-and if it can be lived through it can be utterly transcendent. Scorpio is ruled by Pluto, the planet of transformation.

The Eighth House concerns itself with the big, sticky, messy issues of life: Sex, Death, Taxes,  Inheritances. What do all these things have in common? These are things we don't talk about in polite company. The planets we find in this house are forced to confront the big issues of life. Confront them, deal with those issues and when they have been successfully navigated, the lowly scorpion rises like the noble eagle and is reborn as the Phoenix.

Libra and the Seventh House

At the moment of the Autumnal Equinox the Sun will enter the sign of Libra- The Scales. Libra is all about partnerships. Not just marriage, but business partnerships and any relationship where two or more come together as equals. Ruled by Venus, it's about love too, in the sense of true love that transcends fleeting passion. Libra embodies the kind of love that is based on solid commitment that gives as much as it receives. Libra adores things of beauty and things that endure.

 In a natal chart, planets and signs in the seventh house can tell us a lot about what a person needs to be fulfilled in personal relationships. We can look here for the kind of person we are most likely to feel rapport with, and with whom we can build enduring relationships. And- most importantly- the qualities we need to develop within ourselves to attract these kinds of relationships.

Virgo and the Sixth House

On approximately the 22nd of  August, the Sun enters the sign of Virgo, the Virgin. Virgo dedicates herself to the perfection of the soul through perfection of the Persona as achieved through work and service. Ruled by Mercury, the Virgoan mind is active and relentless- the need to serve, the need to refine that which can be refined- this is what spurs the Virgin on towards her objective. It can spur her on to despair as well. Never seeming good enough, never giving enough, Virgo must guard herself against such negative thoughts. But the principles of purity, perfection and harmony are what motivate Virgo and soothe her restless mind. As Anais Nin wrote: "The dream was always running ahead of one, to catch up, to live for a moment in unison with it, that was the miracle". That's Virgo!

The Sixth House of the Zodiac concerns itself with these Virgoan principles. It governs work we do for money, services we provide or are provided for us. After all, the ancient name for this house was "The House of Servants". It also is the house we look to in astrology to ascertain the condition of our health. Indeed, astrologers have noted that healers very often have strong placements in the sixth house and/or powerful Virgoan planets. The symbol for the medical profession in the United States is the caduceus, the ancient symbol of Virgo's ruling planet Mercury.

Leo and the Fifth House

Around the 23rd of July each year, the Sun moves into Leo, which is ruled by the Sun itself. The qualities of this sign reflect the glory of the high summertime. Leo is generous, exuberant, and fun loving. There is a tendency to self involvement and self centeredness which can be misunderstood.  Self nurture is a value that we often dismiss. The Leonine tendency to "look out for number one" has it's place. There is a reason we are instructed in airplane safety drills to place the airbag over our own face before assisting other passengers. Leo loves to be the center of attention-yes- but only because it wishes to love us, to entertain us and to share his passion for life with us. Leo cannot help but be like his ruling planet, the Sun, the center of our universe.

 The Fifth House in an astrology chart is where we find that which delights us, tells what we do for fun and the nature of our relationship with any children we might have. Skill in sports or in the arts can be indicated by planets which reside here.

Cancer and the Fourth House

On the Summer Solstice the Sun enters the sign of the crab- Cancer. Like other water signs, Cancer is all about deep emotion- it represents the Mother, selfless love and vulnerability. Beneath that hard shell lives a delicate creature, Cancer has a need to protect herself and puts up walls to shield herself from the harshness of society. Sometimes that shield is a natural shyness, and sometimes a biting sarcasm- whatever is necessary to drive away anyone or thing that comes too close. Cancer is ruled by the Moon, as mysterious and numinous as the sign itself.

In the natal chart, the Fourth house represents the home, the mother and subconscious thought. It's about finding out what it is that we really want, what makes us feel safe and what we are most afraid of. Accessing the energies of the planets occupying these houses can put the native in touch with their deepest feelings. As astrologer Steven Forrest states in The Inner Sky "the material locked here must be made conscious if we are to feel complete and whole".

Gemini and the Third House

Around the 22nd of May the Sun moves into Gemini, the third sign of the Zodiac. The Twins, ruled by the planet Mercury, are all about communication in the sense of taking in and disseminating information. More than that- they define perception. Gemini wants to know. A native of this talkative sign wants to absorb information through her very pores! Traditionally, Gemini is associated with siblings, short trips, neighbors and early education. It is considered also to be the sign of youth. Indeed, Gemini is said to be blessed with eternally youthful good looks. Personally, I think it has to do with their endearing, almost child-like quality of always wanting to know more that keeps the Gemini looking and feeling young.

The Third House concerns itself with the issues and values of Gemini itself. We can find clues here from the signs and planets in this house as to the communication style of the native. For example, gentle Venus in the Third House adds refinement to the native's words. Sagittarius adds a philosophical quality. 

Taurus and the Second House

Around the 22nd of  April the Sun enters Taurus the second sign in the Zodiac and ruler of the Second House. In turn, Taurus is ruled by the planet Venus. This is appropriate as Taurus is all about wealth, possessions and beautiful objects. As stated before in this series, the concerns of Taurus are the concerns of the Second House. Understand the sign and you'll understand the meaning of the house.

 A keyword for Taurus is "I HAVE" for Taurus has everything to do with the security that money and personal possessions bring. Taurus will work slowly and steadily to ensure that what she has will not be taken away. No "get rich quick" schemes for this sign. Although Taurus loves beautiful objects she can wait- like no other sign- for the perfect thing. The best is worth waiting for.

Above all, what Taurus really wants is peace. Like the storybook character Ferdinand the Bull- who loved to laze under the cork tree- Taurus is never happier than when enjoying the simple pleasures of life. Being out in Nature, enjoying a good meal and the love of partner and family, this is what feeds the Taurean Soul.